Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Strong Cord ...

Yesterday was our first month anniversary as a couple.

Only a month ago we were 'united' in marriage.

During our ceremony we shared what being united as one meant. Scripture says that a cord of three is not easily broken.

To us, the three cords are: God, Buzz and me. So we took a gold cord (God), blue (Buzz) and red (Deb) as representations of a strong cord and braided it while Faith, Buzz's sister sang a beautiful song written by Karen Davis, messianic singer and song writer from Israel.

Behold His Glory
My desire, my one desire
Is to behold Him
To behold the beauty of the LORD.
"Naom Adonai"
And to dwell in His presence all the days of my life
And that we may all, with unveiled face behold His Glory
And we shall be changed by the Spirit of the LORD.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Walking Down the Aisle with a Surprise Waiting

Besides the fact that the Bridal Party was fifteen minutes late, watching my daughter Judith, daughter-in-law Marilyse and granddaughter Princess Kelly Abigail walk down the aisle in their pretty dresses to beautiful music made my heart skip. How lovely and beautiful each one was!!

I was standing in the foyer with my handsome son Joe; waiting for the church doors to open wide and the music to change to Ava Maria. My bouquet of white roses was huge, but not heavy - easy to manage. Joe looked so good in his suit. But what caught my eye was his peaceful smile that said to me: "Okay Mom, take my arm - I'm walking you with care and protection to your to your husband-to-be.

And there was Buzz and his men - Tom his Dad and Thomas my grandson - and Pastor Mervin standing, waiting, smiling.

Joe and I walked slowly, moving closer and closer to Buzz. I looked around and saw so many friends and family. Smiled, mouthed "Hi". What a happy day!

Almost there now, at the front of the church and about 6 feet from Buzz.
Wait - something is wrong! No ... not wrong - different.


He was clean shaven!! No goatee.

And I couldn't say one word. Not even an expression like: "What did you do?!!" All I could do was not think about this being the first time I'd ever seen Buzz without his chin hair!

Buzz is always surprising me. Usually it's through humor and I fall for his joking every time.
Again ... in front of our family and friends, he did a great job of 'getting' me!!
Thankfully I was in la la land and could stash this surprise into the back of my head! Oh, Buzz, this is one reason I love you!! Always full of surprises!!
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Monday, November 1, 2010

Walking Down the Aisle with a Surprise Waiting

Besides the fact that the Bridal Party was fifteen minutes late, watching my daughter Judith, daughter-in-law Marilyse and granddaughter Princess Kelly Abigail walk down the aisle in their pretty dresses to beautiful music made my heart skip. How lovely and beautiful each one was!!

I was standing in the foyer with my handsome son Joe; waiting for the church doors to open wide and the music to change to Ava Maria. My bouquet of white roses was huge, but not heavy - easy to manage. Joe looked so good in his suit. But what caught my eye was his peaceful smile that said to me: "Okay Mom, take my arm - I'm walking you with care and protection to your to your husband-to-be.

And there was Buzz and his men - Tom his Dad and Thomas my grandson - and Pastor Mervin standing, waiting, smiling.

Joe and I walked slowly, moving closer and closer to Buzz. I looked around and saw so many friends and family. Smiled, mouthed "Hi". What a happy day!
Almost there now, at the front of the church and about 6 feet from Buzz.
Wait - something is wrong! No ... not wrong - different.


He was clean shaven!! No goatee.

And I couldn't say one word. Not even an expression like: "What did you do?!!" All I could do was not think about this being the first time I'd ever seen Buzz without his chin hair!
Buzz is always surprising me. Usually it's through humor and I fall for his joking every time.
Again ... in front of our family and friends, he did a great job of 'getting' me!!

Thankfully I was in la la land and could stash this surprise into the back of my head! Oh, Buzz, this is one reason I love you!! Always full of surprises!!